© 2025 eMoney Advisor, LLC. | Software Version: 10.3.965.3257 |
The information provided in this report has been supplied by third parties, and although the data is believed to be reliable, no representation is made as to the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the information contained herein. This site and any reports combine investment account data solely for the sake of convenience and may not reflect the total composition or provide accurate pricing of your investment holdings. This report is not intended to replace a clearing firm or other custodian’s periodic account statements and transaction confirmations. Clearing firm and custodian statements should serve as the primary and most accurate data source should a discrepancy in reported information occur. Any documents you upload to the vault will only be viewable to your advisor upon your request. By linking outside financial accounts to the eMoney Advisors client portal, you are expressly giving permission for your advisor to be able to view the balances and/or holdings of these accounts and include these assets in reporting. Financial planning projections are based upon certain assumptions particular to expected inflation rates and your specific financial situation. Questions about specifics assumptions used to develop your financial planning reports should be directed to your advisor. If your investment objectives, risk tolerance or overall financial situation have been changed, please notify your financial advisor immediately. Past performance is no assurance of future results. Investments may fluctuate and lose value, and unexpected market movements may result in changes in rates of return and anticipated performance. When investment advisory services are offered, they are offered through Mutual Advisors, LLC, a SEC registered investment adviser. Securities are offered through Mutual Securities, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. Clearing services provided to clients of Mutual Securities, Inc. are offered by National Financial Services, LLC, a Fidelity Investment company, Member FINRA/SIPC. Other custodians providing services to clients of Mutual Securities, Inc. may include mutual funds, insurance companies and trust companies. SIPC coverage may not apply to all asset held away from Mutual Securities, Inc. or other SIPC member firms. Mutual Securities, Inc. and Mutual Advisors are affiliated companies.