© 2025 eMoney Advisor, LLC. | Software Version: 10.3.960.2369 |
This report is an unofficial report of your account (“Unofficial Report”); it is not an official account statement for your IFP account and does not replace the statements you should receive directly from the account custodian/clearing firm (“Statements”). This report has been prepared by your IFP Advisor and is for informational purposes only. The official Statement are provided by the custodian and clearing firms utilized by IFP. If you notice any discrepancies between the reports and account Statements, please contact us. With respect to these Unofficial Reports, the information in this report has been prepared from data believed to be reliable, but no representation is being made as to its accuracy and completeness. Position values shown may be actual values or estimates made by your advisor. Values shown should only be used as a general guide to portfolio value and may vary from the actual liquidation values. The information in this report should not be relied on for tax reporting, accounting, or valuation purposes. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Current values may be lower or higher than the values shown. We urge you to compare the information (e.g., market values, transactions, inflows, out flows, and fees) in this report with the information provided in the account statements you receive directly from your custodian of the assets. If you are not receiving statements from your custodian, please contact your custodian directly or call lFP Investor line at 800-211-5999. The report includes securities held in your IFP (accounts); IFP does not hold securities on your behalf, and which are not included on IFP’s books and records. These outside positions are securities held directly by an outside sponsor rather than in an IFP account. There may be differences in the way each outside securities position is reflected based on the various data sources used. If available, market value may be reflected for these outside positions. If you hold money market funds (Fund), an investment in the Fund is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it is possible to lose money by investing in the Fund. For fee-based account(s) only, the figures (returns) may be reduced by applicable advisory fees. Refer to your Advisor’s Form ADV Part 2A. Any figures that represent gross performance should be accompanied by net performance (performance after taking into account investment advisory fees and the various account and transactional costs). Performance may not be calculated for all outside securities positions. Information regarding outside securities positions may be limited because it is provided by a third-party source. This report may also include personal assets that the firm does not hold on your behalf, and that are not included on the firm’s books and records. Personal assets include the following: • Collectibles (e.g., art, antiques, coins, stamps) • Real estate (e.g., personal residence, vacation homes, investment property) •Intangible Assets (e.g., patents, trademarks, copyrights, goodwill) • Checking and savings accounts • Business ownership/interests (e.g., equipment, inventory, property, accounts receivables) •Insurance• Personal Property (e.g., cars, snowmobiles, etc.). Information about personal assets, when shown, is an accommodation to you. The value of personal assets has not been verified by the firm and is included for informational purposes only. You should not use information about personal assets on this report for lending, legal or tax purposes. You are encouraged to review and maintain any applicable source documents related to personal assets as they may contain notices, disclosures, and other important information. Accounts held away from IFP are not covered by SIPC Insurance. The IFP SIPC Membership provides account protection only to those assets held at IFP’s clearing firm. To the extent some of the other entities may be SIPC members, please contact your financial advisor or the other entities or refer to the other entities’ statements regarding SIPC membership.