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Alternative Investments: Alternative Investments (AI) are typically illiquid investments for which no secondary market exists. AI may be structured as direct participation programs (DPPs), partnerships, limited partnerships (LPs), limited liability companies (LLCs), non-traded Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), commodity pools, private equity, private debt, non-traded Business Development Companies (BDCs), and hedge funds. Due to the illiquid nature of AI, there can be no assurance that you would be able to receive an amount equal to the investment's estimated net asset value (NAV) if you were to attempt to sell your investment. Current NAV may be more or less than the purchase price of the investment. DFPG Investments disclaims any liability arising from any valuation discrepancies.
AI Valuation: NAV for AI is generally calculated, if calculated at all, as of a specific moment in time, and accordingly, may not accurately reflect the current value of the assets. The method for which an investment's NAV is calculated may involve speculative judgements and estimates, especially related to those underlying assets for which no market quotations exist. Additionally, the NAV reported herein is not intended to represent the amount you would receive if you sold your shares or if the product's underlying assets were sold and the sale proceeds distributed to shareholders. Due to the varied methods of data reporting, the values shown in this report for AI may be reflected as the Original Investment Value (OIV) provided by the management, administrator, sponsor of each program, or a third-party vendor, without independent verification by DFPG Investments, Inc. Therefore, the estimated OIV shown herein may not necessarily reflect actual market value or be realized upon liquidation.
AI Dividends & Distributions: Transactions reported herein as dividends from AI may actually be distributions, and the source of such distributions may include, but not necessarily be limited to, offering proceeds, borrowings, and/or expense support from the sponsor(s), and may constitute a return of capital. Distributions from sources other than the AI's operations may reduce the AI's ability to achieve its stated investment objectives and could negatively impact the value of your investment, which may or may not be reflected in the valuation shown in this report.