© 2024 eMoney Advisor, LLC. | Software Version: 10.3.911.64706 |
This information is for informational purposes only and is believed to have come from reliable sources; however we cannot guarantee its accuracy and the information provided for those assets are unverified. Additional information is available and may be necessary for clarity. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Please review and maintain the original statement(s) and/or prospectus(es) as a way to cross reference your consolidated report and to provide you with the contact information for position(s) that you hold. Accounts that are held away from BFCFS may not be covered by the firm’s SIPC coverage. Customers should contact their representative or refer to the other entity’s statement regarding SIPC membership. Where applicable, the values of REIT's have been provided by the custodian and/or your representative and purport to reflect an estimate of the interest represented by the unit/shares. DPP’s and LP’s are private securities; therefore, a 3rd party valuation is not available. Generally, unlisted DPP and REIT securities are illiquid investments. Stated values may not be realized upon sale.